Acupuncture for Pregnancy & Labor Preparation

Pregnancy Acupuncture Treats

  • nausea and vomiting
  • fatigue
  • insomnia
  • heartburn
  • headaches
  • threatened miscarriage
  • bleeding
  • anxiety and depression
  • round ligament pain
  • sciatica
  • gestational diabetes
  • preeclampsia
  • hypertension
  • swelling and edema
  • placenta previa
  • anemia
  • carpal tunnel
  • breech presentation
  • nausea and vomiting
  • fatigue
  • insomnia
  • heartburn
  • headaches
  • threatened miscarriage
  • bleeding
  • anxiety and depression
  • round ligament pain
  • sciatica
  • gestational diabetes
  • preeclampsia
  • hypertension
  • swelling and edema
  • placenta previa
  • anemia
  • carpal tunnel
  • breech presentation

In preparation for labor we offer a series of gentle, pre-birth acupuncture treatments. Pre-birth acupuncture prepares the body for a smooth vaginal delivery. The goal of pre-birth acupuncture is to ripen the cervix, reduce labor time and medical interventions- including cesarean section rates- and to support blood flow and nutrient delivery throughout the body and to the baby.

It is also a wonderful way to nurture a mother by providing her with some quiet time in a calm and relaxed environment in preparation for the birth supports her transition into labor. We typically see mothers 2 times a week starting at around week 36. This allows for optimal effect of the treatments. Like with most therapies, a series of treatments is often most beneficial.

For a woman coming in for treatment after 40 weeks, we are here to support her, as well. Often, she is hoping to avoid a medical induction. In circumstances like this, we may recommend several treatments closer together to achieve the desired outcome.

As part of the pre-birth treatments, we will teach patients and their partners specific acupressure points they can use at home to encourage cervical ripening and labor preparation. These points can also be used in labor to help deal with labor surges and waves. Research has demonstrated that the mean duration of labor in a group of women giving birth for the first time was reduced from 8 hours and 2 minutes in the control group to 6 hours and 36 minutes in the group of women who had received pre-birth acupuncture.

Proper Postpartum Care

Proper postpartum care will benefit a mother the rest of her life. The days and weeks following the birth of a new baby can be some of the most magical in a woman’s life. They can also be some of the most exhausting. Little room is carved out in our culture to nurture and tend to new moms as they adjust to life with their new baby- whether it be her first or her fourth child. Many women are expected to be up and about within days of delivering and back into the normal rhythm of their lives.