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Placenta Encapsulation

What is Placenta Encapsulation

Consumption of the placenta has been reported for decades to help ward off the baby blues and diminish postpartum fatigue. Some women have cooked the placenta in a stew, mixed it into a smoothie, or even taken it raw to tap into its powerful effects. For many who feel squeamish about those methods of ingestion encapsulation is another option. Powdered placenta has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for centuries.

In the postpartum period placenta capsules can be said to help with:

  • balancing hormones
  • decrease in lochia, postpartum bleeding
  • decrease insomnia
  • decrease iron deficiency
  • enhancing milk supply
  • help the uterus with involution
  • increasing energy

Each placenta is unique to that mother. Your placenta contains a perfect match to your hormones. It is made by you, for you. When properly stored your placenta pills can last indefinitely. Save them for when you need a boost to your milk supply down the road or even longer, when you start menopause. You only get one placenta, encapsulation allows you to get the most out of this rare and special gift.

How is it Done

The TCM Method

According to the TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) Way, the placenta is rinsed, steamed, sliced, dried, ground and put into capsules. As an a Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, I will always recommend a formula on top of your placenta pills to supplement a new parent after birth to avoid the dizziness and lack of blood supply (and through that milk supply) that comes with childbirth. With this combination, you will find that you feel like yourself faster.

How many pills will I get?

The average amount of capsules you can expect to receive is roughly 80-150 capsules. The total amount depends on the size of your unique placenta, the size of the capsule being used, as well as the method of encapsulation.

How do I get my placenta home?

To avoid problems it is best to have everything set before you go into labor. Let your care provider know of your desire to keep your placenta. Write it into your birth plan, and be sure to let the hospital/birth center staff know when you arrive. You do not need to give them a reason as to why you want to keep your placenta, but it is a good idea if you let them know you will be encapsulating. The placenta *MUST* be handled safely in order for me to be able to encapsulate it for you.

If you birth at home simply let your midwife know you would like to keep your placenta. Chances are that the hospital/birth center will have a sealed and bagged container to put the placenta in, and will refrigerate it for you. BUT they may not, or they could decide not to hold your placenta for you. I’m usually able to pick it up within an hour or two of your birth.

When will the process begin?

The sooner the better. Once you give birth, have properly stored your placenta and are settled, please call me to let me know your placenta is ready for encapsulation. I generally come to the hospital/place of birth with my own cooler and wait for your birthing partner to bring me your placenta. Call me sooner rather than later. Preferably within the first few hours after birth. Before birth you can delegate this job to your partner, a friend, your doula, or a family member.

If properly stored (double bagged, to prevent freezer burn, and kept frozen in a deep freezer) you can keep your placenta, for encapsulation, up to 6 months. It is recommended to start the encapsulation process within 48 hours after birth however. If you know you cannot have it picked up in 48 hours you should double bag and freeze your placenta. If encapsulation will be done within a week, freezing your placenta in a refrigerator freezer is ok.

How much does Placenta Encapsulation cost?

I charge $375 per placenta and pick up and delivery are included in that. Generally the process takes 24-72 hours for return and varies based on humidity and time of pickup.